Kim, our Korean volunteer, has been with us for 3 weeks. An avid learner, he is now competent in many tasks.
Nature knows no holidays! During this heat, plants still need watering, and produce has to be picked. Lots of courgettes (chopped for drying) and cucumbers, which need to be preserved: salt, vinegar, garlic and hot pepper. We started late after hours well spent showing a newcomer round: a local electrical engineer, who is offering to raise energy efficiency.
Yet another powercut! Romantic with a nearly full moon, but not the best for work. I was sewing another COVID face mask (In Turkey these have long been compulsory in public spaces) when the lights went out. I found I made even better pleats by feeling than by sight. Challenges may surprise you!
The characteristic cone trap of a Myrmeleontid larva, perfectly smooth steep sides dipping to a point where the large-mandibled juvenile waits for prey to fall to its end. One disadvantage of such a passive life strategy is that when food is rare, metabolism must be slow to survive.