
Güneşköy projects

2020-2022: : KIRCAN, 3rd UNDP SGP project, connecting rural and urban communities. Carried out despite COVID restrictions.

2019-2021: CRY-Gen, 2nd UNDP SGP project: "Climate Resilient Youth Generation" involved urban you in rural life, especially agriculture. Over 30 young people went from Turkey to participate in short term projects at ecovillages in Europe. Seven later spent 6 to 12 months at ecovillages in Spain and Germany.

2016-current: Worm Compost project

2009-2011: Solar Greenhouse prototype constructed with a number of ecological systems. The 250m2 soil has been since 2011 to grow produce, extending the growing season from 6 to 9 months, some crops even surviving the harsh winter months.. 

2007: Middle East Technical University Architecture students collaborated to build a Health Centre Building for HisarKöy village. 

2006-2021: Community Supported Agriculture Vegetable Box project, which ran for 15 years, delivering organic produce to up to 80 families across Ankara. 

2006-8: Biofuel Tractor 1st UNDP SGP project. Strawbale Mandala building made with 60 unskilled volunteers. 

2002-2004: Land acquired, first trees planted, water and electricity sources organised.  Adobe building constructed.

European Voluntary Service (EVS) + European Solidarity Corps (ESC):

  • Learning to Live & Grow in an Ecovillage. Los Portales, Spain. 15 February 2019 – September 2019. Particiant: Sercan Doğan.
  • Volunteering at Sieben Linden, Almanya. 25 February 2019 – November 2019. Particiant: Tansu Toprak.
  • Green Skills 9. Suderbyn, İsveç. 1 April 2019 – April 2020. Particiant: Efe Berberoğlu.
  • Learning to Live & Grow in an Ecovillage. Los Portales, Spain. March 2020 – March 2021. Particiant: Cenk Ceylan.
  • Learning to Live & Grow in an Ecovillage. Los Portales, Spain. March 2020 – March 2021. Particiant: Mertkaan Çadır.

Youth Exchange and Youth Workers (KA105):

Projects we sent participants to 8 organisations in 6 countries: 

  1. Volunteering in Ecovillages - Immersion in Sustainable Lifestyle. Arterra Bizimodu, Spain. 06 – 12 October 2017. Particiants: İnci Gökmen, Umut Hasanoğlu, İbrahim Kışla.
  2. YES to Sustainability - Creating Youth Exchanges. Sieben Linden, Germany. 01-07 December 2018. Particiants: İbrahim Kışla, Gizem Tutumlu.
  3. Governance Tools for Youth Network Management. Arterra Bizimodu, Spain. 06 – 12 May 2019. Particiants: Billur Gödek, Emrah Karaağaç, Işıl Biçer.
  4. YES to Sustainability - Unity in Diversity. Arterra Bizimodu, Spain. 18 – 31 August 2019. Particiants: Ufuk Sarısaltık, Büşranur Oturak, Doruk Beyazpınar, Beste Naz Karaca, Işıl Ekin Özkan. Pınar Onursal.
  5. YES to Sustainability – Leader in Me. Zavod Veles, Slovenia. 08 – 19 August 2019. Particiants: Ekin Yılmaz, Beste Öztop.
  6. Volunteering for Sustainibility. Slovakia. 16-20 Kasım 2019. Particiants: Berfin İdil Akdağ, Beyza Şeker, Ahmet Furkan Ton.
  7. Caja de Herramientas para Jóvenes Líderes en Ecoaldeas, Asociación Amalurra Elkartea Para La Transformación De La Conciencia Individual Y Colectiva. Spain. 1 – 8 December 2019. Particiants: Karya Ekiz, Billur Gödek.
  8. Volunteering in Ecovillages. Ängsbacka, Sweden. 18 – 22 February 2020. Particiants: Egemen Karataş, Adnan Hazar.
  9. Sustainability Youth Exchanges. MTÜ Väike Jalajälg, Estonia. 26 – 30 May 2020. Particiants: Billur Gödek, Claire Özel, Doruk Beyazpınar. (cancelled due to COVID)
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