Water from above and below

Water from above and below

1st December: Cold, damp, dark, clouds full of rain which held off while we were there.  WinterLandscape

 KargaSarimsagi  Nature nearly but not entirely rests. Bulbs are active, the first Colchicum in flower, and tiny Gagea bulbs known as Crow Garlik from disturbed soil are now planted in a pot to see what may flower.

Anoter type of brocoli?  KaleTypes 

Water behaviour on cabbage leaf - Why so repellent?  Fascinating...   DewDrop

MuddyTracks  Don't tell me no vehicles take the short cut - which had been closed, but the tracks say otherwise.

WaterSource 10 days ago Ali and Nezir had a possible water source dug: the 1.5m wide hole is full of fater.  Water from this source dug our Canyon deep into our land, having already worked its way through the thick 6-8 meter tall wedge of rock (behind Nezir in the photo). The hole is lined with clay!

A tractor view of the land, as we return back from the source. TractorView  Now the chickens have moved on (to someone in the village, in exchange for work), the fence has been taken down and the pine trees stand out.  


Without chickens, we need a closer compost bin.  This container (apparently used to import essence of Coca cola, though is this myth or information) has been waiting over a decade for a use.  The outer structure will support chicken wire... The inner structure will await a different function.   ColaCompost      

Rain water harvest is working well.  When the container is full (5 tons), water comes out at the bottom under pressure.    

MSS90son MSS90 has reached the end of its days on the 10th viaduct of the Ankara Sivas High Speed Train train, the longest and highest: 1.7km at over 100m.  During the summer it offere priceless photo opportunities.  Now its over to the track laying teams... 

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