2nd CRY-Gen camp

2nd CRY-Gen camp


Set up CadirKur and enjoy your tent CadirDas 

breakfast Breakfast,

then washing up Bulasik  and Lunch Lunch 

SamanMasasi Table?  Evcillestir Tamed!

HilaydaSahada Hilayda Güngör collecting wild yeasts for her Probiotic Drinks workshop shared much information. 

We made our own toothpaste Dentifrice  

Uygar Özesmi helped us develop ideas UygarE  

Dome1 Dome theory and design Dome2 

Sociocracy Sosyokrasi

Ajans Ankara municipality recorded material to make a short video

We wrote reports Rapor and shared feedback Feedback 

Pickles We made pickles and gathered onions Soganci 

cleaned up temizlik, repaired WCrepair and decorated the earliest toilet WCpaint 

BottleName 0 waste Design Creativity

Special objects for focus Special

 4pasta So many mid September birthdays to be celebrated. 

 A few joined regular morning discovery walks Sabah  Some once got up at 6am: blankets against the cold, they walked through waist high dry spiny, spiky thistles, climbed rocky slopes 6-30climb  in time to great the first rays of the sun. GuneseSelam and looked at details Kayalar of the rocks

xylophone Music and songs around the fire Fire 

Branda Support from our nearest municipality, Emadağ :) BelediyeDestek

BackYY When we had to return to Ankara's urban environment, transport provided by Greater Ankara Municipality :) 

Some people are unforgettable AnneKiz My room mate: Gülşin did far more than cook for 40 people.

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