
Nature Discovery

Güneşköy's land is a great place to discover nature: global and local, past, present, future. 

Our events range from individual to group and class activities. 

  • What strategies have plants and animals developed to last the cold Central Anatolian winters and flourish in the hot dry summers?
  • How does the terrain affect life?
  • We look at the variety of forms and structures.
  • How did our planet get to where we are now?
  • What impact have humans had on nature? Long before now...
  • We notice and reflect, and learn from what nature offers.  

Contact us for an event

Ecovillage Design Education (EDE)

Güneşköy became a full member of GEN-Europe (Global Ecovillage Network-Europe) in 2010.

In the early 2000's, Ecovillage Design Education (EDE) was developed by the GAIA Education team of GEN.  Topics to be included were discussed at the annual general meetings and eventually formed a training program.  EDE has 4 sections, the 4 aspects of sustainability: World View, Ecology, Economy and Social sustainability concepts are each covered in week long training sessions.  Of these 4 sections, ecology and social sustainability trainings have been organised three times in Turkey.  Deniz Dinçel, who had trained at Findhorn in Scotland, and İnci Gökmen (Güneşköy) gave two EDE trainings in 2007 and 2008 at the Middle East Technical University (Ankara).  A third training was given at İzzet Baysal Üniversity.  Trainers May East and Michael Shaw came from Findhorn, and Lucilla and Massimo came from Torri Superiori (Italy).  In 2015, Deniz Dinçel organised an EDE Economy training in Istanbul, with 3 days given by Helena Norberg Hodge 


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