
Güneşköy Nature - wild flowers and animals at Güneşköy

Ecofootprint calculator -  - This gives both Eco-footprints and Carbon-footprints.  Watch your footprint change when you change your choices!  Going from over 8 planets, down to ... how little?

Global Footprint Network has an international organisation that provides a rich collection of resouces, data and information.  It's footprint caluculator gives different values...

Masters Theses:

  • "Sustainable Design İmplications for Alternative Food Networks: a Case on Güneşköy's Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model" Ayşe Kaplan (2021) Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • An ecovillage-initiative and its interact, "Developing a village" in Central Anatolia  Theresa Weitzhofer-Yurtışık (2012, Viyana Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü Yüksek Lisansı



Educational resources: 

Botanary - Botanical dictionary