Güneşköy Nature - wild flowers and animals at Güneşköy
Ecofootprint calculator - http://ecologicalfootprint.com/ - This gives both Eco-footprints and Carbon-footprints. Watch your footprint change when you change your choices! Going from over 8 planets, down to ... how little?
Global Footprint Network has an international organisation that provides a rich collection of resouces, data and information. It's footprint caluculator gives different values...
Masters Theses:
- "Sustainable Design İmplications for Alternative Food Networks: a Case on Güneşköy's Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model" Ayşe Kaplan (2021) Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi.
An ecovillage-initiative and its interact, "Developing a village" in Central Anatolia Theresa Weitzhofer-Yurtışık (2012, Viyana Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü Yüksek Lisansı
- Appropedia the site for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development aims to share knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
- Australia’s Clean Up.
- Community Supported Agriculture UK
- Ecoaccess People with disabilities and the environment. Also see Canadian Disabled Individuals’ Association Sports and Leisure information
- Ecofont ‘More is less’ fonts that use less ink.
- Environment and Society - Explorations in Environmental History, Arcadia is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal for short, engaging environmental histories.
- Farmers for a Sustainable Future Watch videos like A Thousand Suns
- Global Ecovillage Network Güneşköy is a member of GEN.
- Hugelkultur: Making raised beds, that don’t need watering, using branches, wood, and brush.
- Kerkenes EcoCentre Yozgat, Central Turkey was established in 2002.
- Let’s do it! Estonia cleared all the rubbish from the country in 5 hours.
- MudHome: Build with mud, Reconnect with nature, Create your own beautiful, off-grid world (Turkey, since 2011).
- Nature Gate: Identify plants, butterflies, birds online. Not quite the right ecology (Finland) but a great site.
- Palestinian Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability -
- Paying more for Organic (1.2017)
- Practical Action – Technology Challenging Poverty.
- The National Seed Project - Far more than a school training students to harvest, store and grow seeds.
- Tree planting - Large scale : 10 rules for tree planting, by Kew Gardens experts (2021).
- Water management: The Water Institute.
Educational resources:
Botanary - Botanical dictionary