
  • 23/09/2017
    Looking Forward

    We are looking forward to hosting participants at the UGRENCI meeting next week when they visit Güneşköy on Sunday 8th October.

  • 03/09/2017
    Extremes Balance

    Another 3 days at Güneşköy: the first 3 days of Kurban Bayram – nature’s attraction is stronger than the deterrence of the sacrifices.

  • 13/08/2017
    A Tour in English – First Steps

    Two friends had wanted to come to Güneşköy. What better than the Perseid shower to get round to a first visit?

  • 14/05/2017
    Maureen Tamam

    38 years ago, as teaching assistant of a Molecular Genetics course at McGill, on my first meeting with students, Maureen Quinn stood out…  

  • 06/11/2016
    Holistic analytical Chemistry

    Prof.Ali Gokmen’s Advanced Analytical Chemistry students had a practical – a day of seeing life from different angles.

  • 23/10/2016
    Lone cricket sunset

    As the late October sun set, a lone cricket sang in the cool air… The first frost has “hit” tomatoes and bell peppers. I picked the last aubergines (egg plants, to the Americans!), tomatoes hidden under the dried leaves and other peppers.

  • 21/09/2016

    While Adnan and I were beginning to harvest worm casts, we encountered more than just worms. We now have a process which works, to be improved as we scale up.

  • 06/09/2016
    Ocimum basilicum

    My Georgian friend told me how to dry Basil, much used in Georgian cuisine and known as Şeştrami/ Sheshtrami. We have white and red basil, humming with bees.

  • 13/08/2016

    After another 2 months abroad, I have finished my 6 months leave: time to get back into contact, especially with Güneşköy. So much has happened since I first left in February; some of our group has decided to continue actively – we gave ourselves&

  • 03/07/2011
    A place and time for being

    This blog entry is in English just before 4 of us from Guneskoy leave for this year’s GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) meeting in Tamera, Portugal.

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