Claire's Blog

  • 18/12/2020
    So many visitors

    During a short day's visit, how many visitors we had... We ended with deep meditation, gathering Couch grassroots.

  • 30/10/2020
    Changing colours

    Create an opportunity to discover potential

  • 14/10/2020
    A new beginning

    A brief signature opens up a new life: I've retired to be able to focus on nature and inclusion.

  • 06/09/2020
    Picking up the bags of veg

    Some days just don't go as planned...

  • 26/08/2020
    It happened!

    Sometimes things we never thought would happen do, such as a last minute flight - literally.

  • 23/08/2020
    It should have happened but didn't

    In life when things don't always happen as we'd hoped, how quickly can we get back on track? This week again has brought more opportunities to develop...

  • 03/08/2020
    Eid pickles

    3 of us for 3 days of Eid, 3 languages, 60 jars of pickes.  

  • 26/07/2020
    Unseen Unnoticed

    Everyday details that tend to go unnoticed...

  • 20/07/2020
    Help from Near and Far

    Unexpected solutions do sometimes appear on your path... 

  • 12/07/2020
    That's life

    When setting off in the morning, or at the start of life one can never know what await us. No idea what life will expect from us, the load and challenges we may face.
