A friend met Maud and Vincent (M&V sur la Terre on Facebook) in Bulgaria, and told them about Güneşköy. After years working in France in jobs that no longer inspired them, they set off: looking, asking, recording and sharing on their search for Zero Waste options. Vincent's first words in Güneşköy "I love it, So inspiring!"
Güneşköy now welcomes visitors who want to stay: we have tents. Conditions to be discussed before you plan to arrive!
Aiming to travel the world with minimal footprings, they have come with some items that avoid unnecessary use of disposable plastic: how to avoid PET water bottles, and drink safe filtered water? Water to Go!
A large Güneşköy sign! İbrahim realised his idea; at first I didn't understand the design... but it's great! He cut letter by letter, then attached them to the support. Now it is our turn to decorate the letters...
This week's technology:
We visited Halbes in Lalahan
On Sunday Levent and Doğa took one of the solar cookers apart to mend it. MSS90 is now about to leave our last pillar and is heading for the Balaban river (stream). I'm told that my photos are called "Light Painting".
Our cat is still evasive. Here she feeds her 3 kittens among the peppers - like their father Karabiber (Black Pepper). they seem to like pepper shade!
Where has Equisetum come from? Has it been here only since the 10 000 tons alluvial soil was brought in 2016? Aphids are doing well too! Even the tough Jerusalem thorn has them...