While some were packing up the 45 bags full of produce for delivery early on Monday, others were picking nearly half a ton of tomatoes. The evening was spent washing and chopping the tomatoes ready for the machine that arrived as light dropped. A giant processor on wheels, trailed behind the car.
The tomatoes are minced and come out directly into sacs that are left to drain over-night. Yes all that tomato juice running into the soil! But it just wouldn't be hygenic enough to drink...
Early Monday morning, Celal was up early boiling down the paste...
Among those who joined us on Sunday, Işıl (my old student, now one of the CRY-Gen participants) was excited. While she was looking to buy plants for bees, she was offered hives too! They had one in the back of their car. The plants are now in place - with a dose of vermicompost. The hive will find its place soon, after the camp. I'm sure it will be decorated too... She came with two energetic teachers, Selda and Serdar. Another teacher came on his motorbike; Selim worked hard, keen to learn what goes on in the country.
Meanwhile the viaduct "MSS90 caterpillar" walked (as they say) on Sunday. Very slowly, with low level grinding grunts and squeaks it was edged onto the 13th pillar, with its nose on the 14th: it is how over the Balaban stream (river)gürüyordu. At night the lights are further away and now shed an eerie shimmer on the hills opposite. The heaviest part of the construction is over. Only passing trucks, and later the work above when the tracks are laid.
Millions of years of design and selection generated this 3.5cm long praying mantis. Well hidden in the juniper bush, it moves fast and gerkingly, unpredictable, uncatchable.
On Saturday night, Sena and I worked on small dolls for Utku to take to Ukraine. Our first designs