Holistic Management

Holistic Management

Arazide  After yesterday's taining in Holistic Management by Anadolu Meraları we came to look at our land.  We put the map to good use. Some of the fences that were put up in 2003 have weakened in 16 years.  TezekVisiting cows (on the north-west corner and sheep (north-east) have left evidence Koyun  

 DibaLoo In the damp winter months, decomposing molds have finally weakened the floorboards of the compost toilet that Diba built in August 2016.  

Pupation1 Cocoons also have a limited life span, eventually breaking down to reveal the individual compartments.  Built-in Obsolescence: a basic factor in nature's equation, to use what is enough for achieving the task, and no more  Pupation2

  CrocusAncyrensis One a range of crocuses. 

Look carefully inside the crocus SolitaryBee In mid-February, bees are pollinating. A solitary bee, I believe...

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