Bird Woman

Bird Woman

Korkutmaz One their last visit before leaving for 12 months European Solidarity Corps exchange at Los Portales Cenk helped Mert Kaan (from now to be known at Kaan, probably a slightly better name for Europeans) make a final mark on Güneşköy, the last for a year.  Kaan had made a scarecrow for ODTÜ Bostan; could he make one at Güneşköy?  Apart from the face paint and sewing thread, all parts were waiting to be used. A night shirt I made in the 1980s, metal pieces and a hard hat thrown/ dropped from the 90 metres above, foam waste and straw bale.  

One International Women's day, rather than make a traditional male Scare Crow, our hands created a female, welcoming and caring for any birds - why limit to just crows? 

Meanwhile, in the glasshouse BiberTohumu pepper seeds have replaced some of the carrots.  They were then covered with a sprinkling of fine compost (broken down from last year's vegetable waste.   BotanikB What used to be the hen's domain is now being tidied up to be develop into a botanical garden.  Guclu Fiko brought up tires no longer needed for the chicken run.

Ginger In the lower glass house, brocoli is decreasing and few lettuces are left.  What a flace to test out ginger.  One the left Worm Compost, on the right vegetable compost

  JuvenileMantid A young mantid and a red spider mite - not yet a pest here RedSpiderMite

ElderLeaves Only one elder tree has pulled through its first year. Numerpıs tiny green leaves are appearing on the branchlets.  The pot gave out 1.7 litres in 7 days...

 Transformed  The orange-shaped peal I hung up 7 days ago has opened up

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